User Manual

This document equips the user with the information necessary to use dtControl and run the various decision tree learning algorithms implemented in it.


dtControl achieves best results on non-deterministic or permissive controllers. The following algorithms are supported for such controllers:

Non-determinism preserving

  1. CART

  2. CART with predicates from Linear SVM (LinSVM)

  3. CART with predicates from Logistic Regression (LogReg)

  4. CART with predicates from OC1 (OC1)


  1. CART + maximal frequencies (MaxFreq)

  2. LinSVM/LogReg + maximal frequencies (MaxFreqLC)

  3. CART + minimal norm (MinNorm)

  4. LinSMV/LogReg + minimal norm (MinNormLC)

dtControl can also be used with deterministic controllers, however empirical results with such controllers are not as significant as with nondeterministic controllers.

Quick Start with Command-line Interface

Once the dtControl package is installed, the command line interface can be accessed from your favourite shell using the dtcontrol command. Get started by running:

$ dtcontrol -h

If your installation has run successfully, you will now see the help page detailing the usage and arguments.:

usage: dtcontrol [-h] [-v] [--input INPUT [INPUT ...]] [--output OUTPUT]
                 [--method METHOD [METHOD ...]]
                 [--determinize DETSTRATEGY [DETSTRATEGY ...]]
                 [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--no-multiprocessing] [--artifact]
                 [--benchmark-file FILENAME] [--rerun]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --input INPUT [INPUT ...], -i INPUT [INPUT ...]
                        The input switch takes in one or more space separated
                        file names or a folder name which contains valid
                        controllers (.scs, .dump or .csv)
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT

First Run

The examples folder available in the RE package contains all the SCOTS (.scs sparse-matrix format) and UPPAAL (.dump format) examples against which dtControl has been benchmarked, as shown in Table 1 of the paper.

To run the CART algorithm on, say, the cartpole example (cartpole.scs), use the following command:

$ dtcontrol --input examples/cartpole.scs --method cart

This will produce some new files and folders in the current folder:

|-- CART
|   `-- cartpole
|       |-- CART.c
|       |--


  • CART.c contains the C-code of the decision tree

  • contains the DOT source code which can be compiled, for example, using the dot -Tpdf -o CART.pdf command

  • benchmark.json contains a JSON file containing some statistics (tree size, bandwidth, construction time and other metadata)

  • benchmark.html summarizes the experiments whose results are stored in benchmark.json


Now let us see another example where our best determinizing technique, MaxFreq, is used along with CART.:

$ dtcontrol -i examples/cartpole.scs -m cart -d maxfreq

(Note the use of the -i, -m and -d switches instead of their full versions: --input, --method and --determinize.)


After dtControl finishes execution, the directory structure should look like this::

|-- CART
|   `-- cartpole
|       |-- CART.c
|       |--
|-- MaxFreqDT
|   `-- cartpole
|       |-- MaxFreqDT.c
|       |--

The benchmark.html file is updated after every run. View a tabular summary of all the results stored in benchmark.json by opening benchmark.html in your favourite browser.

Multiple input controllers and methods

dtControl can run multiple methods on multiple controllers. For example, if one desires to evaluate LinSVM and LogReg methods along with the MinNorm determinizing strategy on cartpole and 10rooms, the following command may be used.:

$ dtcontrol \
  --input examples/cartpole.scs examples/10rooms.scs \
  --method linsvm logreg \
  --determinize minnorm

Both the --method and --determinize flags support the all shorthand. For example, the following command will run all methods with all determinization strategies on cartpole.:

$ dtcontrol -i examples/cartpole.scs -m all -d all

where -m all is a shorthand for -m cart linsvm logreg oc1 and -d all is a shorthand for -d none minnorm maxfreq

dtControl can also take whole folders or wildcards as input. In case the -i switch gets a valid folder as argument, dtControl tries to read all *.scs, *.dump and *.csv as inputs for its methods. Wildcards behave as you would expect in any shell.:

$ dtcontrol -i examples -m cart
$ dtcontrol -i examples/*.dump -m cart -d maxfreq

A list of methods supported by dtControl and their respective command-line switches is given in the table below.

List of methods




-m cart -d none

Linear SVM

-m linsvm -d none

Logistic Regression

-m logreg -d none


-m oc1 -d none

CART + maximal frequencies (MaxFreq)

-m cart -d maxfreq

LogReg + maximal frequencies (MaxFreqLC)

-m logreg -d maxfreq

CART + minimal norm (MinNorm)

-m cart -d minnorm

LinSMV/LogReg + minimal norm (MinNormLC)

-m logreg -d minnorm

Advanced Features

Output location

By default, the decision trees are stored in the decision_trees folder and the statistics are stored in the benchmark.json and benchmark.html files. This can however be customized with the help of the --output/-o and the --benchmark-file/-b switches. For example,:

$ dtcontrol -i examples/cartpole.scs -m cart \
  --output cartpole_trees \
  --benchmark-file cartpole_stats

Will produce the following files and directories:

|-- CART
|   `-- cartpole
|       |-- CART.c
|       |--


Another useful feature is timeout which can be set with the --timeout/-t switch. For example,:

$ dtcontrol -i examples/truck_trailer.scs -m cart -t 3m

will run CART on the truck_trailer example, and time out if it is taking longer than 3 minutes to finish. The --timeout/-t switch can accept timeout in seconds, minutes and hours (-t 42s or -t 30m or -t 1h). The timeouts are applied for each method individually, and not for the whole set of experiments.


By default, new results are appended to benchmark.json (or the file passed to the --benchmark-file switch) and experiments are not re-run if results already exist. In case you want to re-run a method and overwrite existing results, use the --rerun flag.:

$ dtcontrol -i examples/truck_trailer.scs -m cart -t 3m --rerun

Quick Start with Python Interface

More advanced users can use dtControl programmatically using Python. Here is a sample code.:

# imports
# user might have to import additional classifiers

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from benchmark_suite import BenchmarkSuite
from dtcontrol.classifiers.cart_custom_dt import CartDT
from dtcontrol.classifiers.linear_classifier_dt import LinearClassifierDT
from dtcontrol.classifiers.max_freq_dt import MaxFreqDT
from dtcontrol.classifiers.max_freq_linear_classifier_dt import MaxFreqLinearClassifierDT
from dtcontrol.classifiers.norm_dt import NormDT
from dtcontrol.classifiers.norm_linear_classifier_dt import NormLinearClassifierDT
from dtcontrol.classifiers.oc1_wrapper import OC1Wrapper

# instantiate the benchmark suite with a timeout of 2 hours
# rest of the parameters behave like in CLI

suite = BenchmarkSuite(timeout=60 * 60 * 2,

# Add the 'examples' directory as the base where
# the different controllers will be searched for

    # names of the folder containing scs/dump/csv files
    # names of the scs/dump/csv files without the extension
    include=["cartpole", "10rooms"],

# select the methods which would be applied on the datasets
classifiers = [
    # CART
    # LinSVM
    LinearClassifierDT(LinearSVC, max_iter=5000),
    # LogReg
    LinearClassifierDT(LogisticRegression, solver='lbfgs', penalty='none'),
    # OC1
    OC1Wrapper(num_restarts=20, num_jumps=5),
    # MaxFreq
    # MaxFreqLC
    MaxFreqLinearClassifierDT(LogisticRegression, solver='lbfgs', penalty='none'),
    # MinNorm
    # MinNormLC
    NormLinearClassifierDT(min, LogisticRegression, solver='lbfgs', penalty='none'),

# finally, execute the benchmarks